Title : Design Your Own WebLog Application From Scratch .

A blog (sometimes referred to as a weblog) is a personal Web site that is frequently updated . Most blogs are rather personal in nature, with their founders using them as a sort of "online diary" . More interestingly, there are a number of blogs that are highly focused on a particular subject : law, politics, a specific computer technology, or a particular profession . It seems like everyone wants a blog these days - I know I did . Did you ever wonder how they work? We will learn by designing and building our own blog tool.

But I couldn't find any pre-built ASP.Net blog code with the features I wanted, so I built my own . The great thing about building your own blogging application is that you get lots of practice with ASP.Net server controls, such as the Repeater, DataList and Calendar . A blog application may seem like a simple exercise at first, but in fact it requires you to implement many features you'd need in a typical reporting application, such as building and rendering master-detail relationships or editing and deleting records, hiding or showing content and controls based on the logged-in user, and managing input validation for multiple virtual forms on the same page .

The goal of this project is to present the design and implementation details of a Weblog based on Microsoft Technology .