Title : Creating Online Training Applications .

Several challenges arise through as a result of teaching and training . What happens when students need to review the material? Their notes might be good enough, but their experience probably is not . The book will help, but I give my students things such as anecdotes from real life situations, which they can't get in a book .

What happens when students must miss a class? This absence is especially damaging for some topics, such as the start of ADO.Net, in which the subject of SqlConnection objects and connection strings is taught . Because the rest of the subject relies on these topics, missing them puts students in a precarious situation .

What happens if I want to teach an entire group of students who can't attend class? This can be happened when a contracting firm that's about 90 minutes away wanted training for its staff . It was impractical for them to drive that great distance on a regular basis, so an alternative strategy had to be developed, Online Training .

The major goal of this project is to create a tool for creating an online training application . To implement this tool, we will deal with most of Microsoft .Net FrameWork such as (C#, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, SQL Server, Windows Server, ...), some server multimedia basics, JavaScripts, and finally, the demonstration application .